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Image Country Denomination Dates Krause Shape / Mass / Size / Composition
Flag of Austria Austria 3 Kreuzer (1⁄60 Reichsgulden) AD1626 - 1632 KM# 583 Circle / 1.70 g / ∅ 21.00 mm × 0.70 mm / Ag
Obverse: Leopold V, Archuduke of Austria bust right LEOPOLDVS:D:G:AR:AV Reverse: country denomination Coat of arms of Tyrol Coat of arms of Austria Coat of arms of the Duchy of Burgundy OMES:TIRO:DVX:BVR:C 3 Edge: Plain/smooth
Flag of Austria Austria 20 Kreuzer (1⁄3 Austro-Hungarian gulden1) AD1817 - 1824 KM# 2143 Circle / 6.40 g / ∅ 28.00 mm × 1.30 mm / 58.3% Ag
Obverse: Francis I bust right mint mark country FRANCISCVS I·D·G· AVST·IMPERATOR· ¤ Reverse: denomination date HVN·BOH·LOMB·ET VEN· GAL·LOD·IL·REX·A·A·####· Edge: Repeated pattern of 3-petalled flower
Flag of Austria Austria 20 Kreuzer (1⁄5 Austro-Hungarian gulden2) AD1868 - 1872 KM# 2212 Circle / 2.50 g / ∅ 21.20 mm × 0.85 mm / 50% Ag
Obverse: Franz Joseph I of Austria head right country FRANC·IOS·I·D·G·AVSTRIAE IMPERATOR Reverse: denomination on Coat of arms of Austria date 20 LOD·ILL·REX A·A·#### HVNGAR·BOHEM·GAL· Edge: Plain/smooth
Flag of Austria Austria 2 groschen (1⁄50 ATS) AD1950 - 1994 KM# 2876 Circle / 0.90 g / ∅ 18.00 mm × 1.50 mm / 98.5% Al, 1.5% Mg
Obverse: Coat of arms of Austria Reverse: denomination date country 2 GROSCHEN #### REPUBLIK ÖSTERREICH Edge: Plain/smooth
Flag of Austria Austria 1 schilling (1 ATS) AD1946 - 1957 KM# 2871 Circle / 2.00 g / ∅ 25.00 mm × 1.80 mm / 98.5% Al, 1.5% Mg
Obverse: Coat of arms of Austria date ## ## Reverse: denomination denomination country man sowing seeds ·REPUBLIK ÖSTERREICH· 1 S Edge: Plain/smooth
Flag of Germany Germany 2 Deutsche Mark (2 DEM) AD1969 - 1987 KM# 124 Circle / 7.00 g / ∅ 26.75 mm × 1.75 mm / Cu-Ni clad Ni
Obverse: Eagle of the Federal Government of Germany country denomination mint mark date BUNDESREPUBLIK DEUTSCHLAND DEUTSCHE MARK #### 2 ¤ Reverse: Konrad Adenour head left country date ·BUNDESRPUBLIK 1949 1969 DEUTSCHLAND· Edge: Plain/smooth with text divided by oak leaves: EINIGKEIT UND RECHT UND FREIHEIT Subject: 20 years of the Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany Type: Commemorative
Flag of Germany Germany 2 Deutsche Mark (2 DEM) AD1970 - 1987 KM# A127 Circle / 7.00 g / ∅ 26.75 mm × 1.75 mm / Cu-Ni clad Ni
Obverse: Eagle of the Federal Government of Germany country denomination mint mark date BUNDESREPUBLIK DEUTSCHLAND DEUTSCHE MARK #### 2 ¤ Reverse: Theodore Heuss head left country date 1949 - 1969 ·BUNDESREPUBLIK DEUTSCHLAND· Edge: Plain/smooth with text divided by oak leaves: EINIGKEIT UND RECHT UND FREIHEIT Subject: 20 years of the Federal Republic of Germany Type: Commemorative
Flag of Germany Germany 2 Deutsche Mark (2 DEM) AD1979 - 1993 KM# 149 Circle / 7.00 g / ∅ 26.75 mm × 1.75 mm / Cu-Ni clad Ni
Obverse: Eagle of the Federal Government of Germany country denomination mint mark date BUNDESREPUBLIK DEUTSCHLAND DEUTSCHE MARK #### 2 ¤ Reverse: Kurt Schumaker head country ·BUNDESREPUBLIK DEUTSCHLAND· 1979 1949 Edge: Plain/smooth with text divided by oak leaves: EINIGKEIT UND RECHT UND FREIHEIT Subject: 30 years of the Federal Republic of Germany Type: Commemorative
Flag of Germany Germany 1 euro (1 EUR) AD2002 - 2006 KM# 213 Circle / 7.50 g / ∅ 23.25 mm × 2.33 mm / Center: Cu-Ni plated Ni; Ring: Ni-Brass
Obverse: Eagle similar to that of the Coat of arms of Germany used by the Bundestag left encircled by 12 5-pointed stars; date mint mark Reverse: denomination over map of European Union; 12 5-pointed stars in outer ring connected by vertical lines designer 1 EURO LL Edge: 3 alternations of plain/smooth and milled/reeded
Flag of Germany Germany 2 euro (2 EUR) AD2002 - 2006 KM# 214 Circle / 8.50 g / ∅ 25.75 mm × 2.20 mm / Center: Ni-Brass plated Ni; Ring: Cu-Ni
Obverse: Eagle similar to that of the Coat of arms of Germany used by the Bundestag left encircled by 12 5-pointed stars; date mint mark Reverse: denomination over map of European Union; 12 5-pointed stars in outer ring connected by vertical lines designer 2 EURO LL Edge: Milled/reeded with text and eagle: EINIGKEIT UND RECHT UND FREIHEIT